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Meet the Executive Team



Shannon Dhindsa


I’m currently a fourth-year student at UBC Vancouver, and I am studying Kinesiology in the health science stream! I hope to become a surgeon one day and work in Vancouver. I spend most of my time on my academics but during my free time, you can find me on the pitch as a UBC softball athletic therapist and spending time with my dog. My favorite food is extra spicy tacos with some jarritos! 

VP Finance

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Sharon Park 


I'm a 5th-year Biology student at UBC in charge of the club's finances this year. I enjoy eating good food, gaming with friends, and working out if I'm not feeling lazy. I hope to have a great year with the team!

VP Events

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Amuna Ma


I am a third-year student in the BSc Chemical Biology program. I'm excited to organize events and other opportunities for the UBC community. If I'm not in the IKB studying, I will be at home watching dramas or spending time with friends. I also love meeting new people and trying food places. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or just want to chat!

VP Administration

Derick Chen


Hi my name is Derick and I am a third-year student majoring in biology, I hope to find a reliable career here in Vancouver. I am also really into clothing but I am not a very big nature person. I am very excited to be a part of UBC Pre-Med as it is my first time being involved in a club here at UBC!

VP External Relations

Puneet Arora


I am in my fourth-year of Chemical Biology. I am very excited to be appointed as the VP External. My main goal for this semester is to further expand the club’s reach and acquire more sponsorships and discounts to benefit the members. Some of my hobbies include baking, reading, and hiking. I look forward to an amazing year!

VP Communications

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Easha Grewal â€‹


I am a third-year student majoring in Biology. I am delighted to be this year’s VP of Communications! Some of my hobbies include reading, hiking, swimming, and binge-watching Grey’s Anatomy. My favourite food is the cinnamon sugar mini donuts from PNE! I look forward to promoting the Pre-Med Society and related events!

UBC Pre-Medical Society Cover Page 2020-
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